Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A reminder to me...

I remember hearing once that every step we take is a little act of faith.
Every time we lift a foot from the ground, we fall a little … and we have faith that our other foot knows what to do to prevent catastrophe.
We have faith that each time we lift one foot and start falling to the ground, that our other foot will automatically take up the slack and keep us from landing with a thud.
We don’t know for sure that the other foot will come through for us every time. Occasionally that foot betrays us and we wind up sprawled on a sidewalk somewhere.
But we have enough faith in the process to not fear that every step we take may lead to an embarrassing and painful spill.
It’s not really the foot we have faith in, or the leg, or the part of the brain that controls the walking process … it’s ourselves we have faith in.
Do you know what stops most of us from accomplishing our dreams? Ourselves. (I stop myself!)
We are all self-sabotagers. We don’t mean to be. We just don’t know any better.
Every time we say, "I’ll never …" or "I can’t …" we are telling the whole world that we can’t accomplish what we think we really want to accomplish.
We are doubting ourselves. We are making excuses. We are listening to that part of our brain that likes to mess with us.
Life is not a soap opera or a drama.
No one is throwing obstacles in our way except for us.
There is not some grand scheme fabricated up by bad guys to derail us from our greatest desires.
If there is some villain who haunts your every move, following you around and crushing all of your hopes and dreams … you should write a book about it and make millions from it.
Odds are that is not what’s happening in your life or mine to keep you from your goals.
Blaming others and making excuses for our own failures is just a cop out. It’s easy to place blame on everyone around us. It’s too easy, because it almost always seems rational and justified. The problem is that to truly find the reason behind mistakes in your life, or obstacles that you cannot seem to overcome is to look inside.
YOU are the only one in control of your life. If you don’t like something, only you can change it. You can’t sit around waiting for other people to change so that they can make you happy. It ain’t gonna happen. You need to take control of your own dreams and your own happiness.
It can’t always be – not enough money – not enough time – not enough love … Or – if only I had money – if only I were married – if only I were thinner – if only I had a better job …
THEN I will …
Not then.
Take control now. Stop waiting for everything you think will make your life perfect, grab it by the frickin horns and make your life happen. If you want something then go get it. If you need something to change then change it. It’s all up to you.
Do I sound preachy, here?
See, the thing is: I write this blog for me. I do it because I love to write, I love to make people laugh … and maybe, if I’m lucky, I can get some people to think a little bit. (Mainly myself!)
But mostly I write because it is what I do. It is how I cope. It is how I make myself laugh. And a lot of times, it is also how I make myself think.
This is what I have figured out about my current situation: I can either decide to let work make me miserable and whine helplessly about it, or I can choose to accept it as a learning experience and remember that it is a temporary situation that I have set up for myself and that really it’s not all that bad.
I can choose to be miserable, or I can choose to be happy. And if I ultimately decide that I need to remove myself from the situation, I can choose to do that.
The only traps in life are bear traps --- oh --- and the traps we set for ourselves.
We are clever when it comes to sabotaging our own happiness. You have to watch out for that!
Sometimes I forget that … and I need to write an entire blog entry to remind myself.
I need to remember to have faith in myself. I have to remember that it is faith in me that keeps me from falling down all the time.
I have to remember to give control of my dreams, my life and my happiness to God. People at work can say and do and think what they want about me. It doesn’t matter a bit in the grand scheme of things. I will be the one walking with confidence through the rest of my life because I know that other foot will always do what it is supposed to do and I am not walking alone.

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