Saturday, December 12, 2009

Kindred Spirit

I have takin a break from the blog world for awhile and that was intentional...
I have spent the past couple of months being intentional and learning about how I need to communicate with others and how I function best when others communicate with me. Tonight I am going to take the time to post a blog that I wrote way back in October. I have learned throughout the past month that communication is key. Whether you are communicating through the joys of life or the "stuff" of life there are some people in your life who are willing to work through it all. They are willing to communicate with you even when it is not easy and even when it’s not the most comfortable thing to do. When you have someone like that in your life, let me tell you something, hold onto them. They don't come around very often and they truly are a rare find. Now with that being said I dedicate this blog to my Kindred Spirit. The one person who has shown me over and over again that through commitment, communication and prayer that true friendship really does exist.

Kindred Spirit: is a term for someone who shares similar thoughts, feelings, and is close in temperament and nature to yourself; one with whom you have a rare spiritual link that is very special and inexplicable.
It’s not very often, if at all that one has someone in there life who “just gets it”. The person that is your Kindred Spirit knows your thoughts and can finish your sentences…”Talk to me…” stop singing the rest of the song kindred. A Kindred Spirit is a rare find… it is someone who understands how you tick and more then likely they are similar. They are close in temperament and nature to you. It is someone who loves you through the ugly and through the beautiful. They walk with you through life. They neither walk in front of you or behind you. They are someone who you can have deep conversations with for hours at end. They are someone you can laugh with, someone you and cry with and someone you can just be with… They are a true friend. It is for me a friendship that I just can not put words to even though I try…
I wanted to take some time to thank my Kindred Spirit for making my life a better place.
Thank you for being you. There is no one like you in my life and for that I am so very thankful. You are you and for that I am grateful.
Thank you for challenging me to become a better person.
Thank you for seeing my weaknesses as an opportunity for growth.
Thank you for walking through life with me.
Thank you for being okay with me and all my singleness, knowing that someday I am going to be seeking your advice about my future husband.
Thank you for letting me into your life.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to love your family.
Thank you for understanding that we all have our issues.
Thank you for seeing me for me and not putting me on a pedestal.
Thank you for not placing expectations on me.
Thank you for caring about me as much as I care about you.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me…even if it meant breaking through a big brick wall…
Thank you for your love and your support.
Thank you for taking the time to care.
Thank you for having your actions speak just as loudly as your words.
Thank you for just hanging out with me.
Thank you for being my dear sweet blessing.
Thank you for understanding.
Thank you for communicating.
Thank you for making me smile, laugh, cry and think.
Thank you for everything my dear sweet Kindred Spirit. Words fail to really measure up to how thankful and grateful I am for who you are in my life. When I moved back to WI after moving away I had no idea that my life would be changed forever. As I have shared with you before its crazy to think about God’s master plan. How he knows all and he orchestrates our lives. I thank Him daily for placing an amazing person in my life. You are someone that no one could ever replace. I value the time that we are able to spend together knowing that perhaps it is limited by the mere fact that life changes. So please know that I value you and I value the time that we are able to hangout. There is no one like you in my life. You are irreplaceable and I can’t help but look back and see where I thought I was going to be and see where I am now and simply say “Thank you God!” even though thank you just does not seem like enough. Know that you are worth it! I would go to lengths to make sure you feel encouraged, loved, supported and uplifted. Please know Kindred that I love you and there is no one like you!

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